Citadel Colour Base Paint

(3 customer reviews)


Mixed selection of paint colours available. Minimum of £10 must be spent with Warbay Direct for order to be fulfilled. Orders under £10 will be refunded less the processing fee.

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Khorne Red, Leadbelcher, Steel Legion Drab, Mephiston Red, Corax White, Macragge Blue, Runelord Brass, Abaddon Black, Bugmans Glow, Celestra Grey, Averland Sunset, Mournfang Brown, Mechanicus Standard Grey, Rakarth Flesh, Retributor Armour, Catachan Flesh, Wraithbone, Screamer Pink, Trollslayer Orange, Death Guard Green, Thousand Sons Blue, Waaagh! Flesh, Barak-Nar Burgundy, Incubi Darkness